In an age where risk has become almost synonymous with having less-than-flattering images of yourself on social media, most millennials have forgotten the adrenaline factor that can come into play when you’re on holiday. Yet it’s incredible just how far an adrenaline rush can shake things up. Next time you’re in Cyprus make sure to try paragliding - take off from one of the island's highest peaks with the gorgeous town of Kyrenia underneath your feet!
There is no place for routine when you’re on holiday. Every moment is an opportunity to seize and to do something different. Check out the traditional Cypriot cafes and mingle with the locals. Challenge yourself – learn Turkish words and sentences and use them to communicate with the locals. Drink Turkish coffee and have your coffee cup read, or give your best shot at it yourself!
What’s life without a bit of mother nature’s pixie dust. Swap your plans for something truly magical this year and make sure you don’t miss the baby carettas racing for the sea upon emerging from their eggs in the sand. Such captivating moments are in overabundance in Cyprus, just like the island’s enchanting history. From the secret rooms at Buffavento Castle to the story of the Queen that lived at St. Hilarion Castle, Cyprus history invites thought and exudes endless mystery.
Needless to say that you will not be able to enjoy these activities properly if you’re stuck behind your phone screen trying to take photos or checking the number of “likes” you received in the 2 minutes since you posted your breakfast selfie! Switch off your phone and put it in your pocket where it belongs; it’s time to go back to basics and to enjoy your holidays in North Cyprus the way it should be enjoyed.
This simple advice is surprisingly difficult for most, but the key to happiness is to do the things that you love! Spend quality time with the people that matter to you, pamper yourself, go on a shopping spree, take that trip! If you haven’t already visited Cyprus, this should be at the top of your New Year's Resolutions list! It’s so easy to make sweet memories in Cyprus that will last you a lifetime, as it still remains one of the most beautiful island holidays you will ever have.